What Is the Real Marxist Tradition?
As capitalism falls deeper into crisis, more people look to Marxism as a solution. The climate disaster, war, racism, sexism, police brutality, poverty, homelessness, LGBTQ-bashing,immigrant-bashing and economic insecurity lead people to question the “free enterprise” system.
But what can replace it? Are there any models to look to? The Russian Revolution of 1917? The Chinese Revolution of 1949? The Cuban Revolution of 1959? Reform? Revolution? What classes or groups can bring about the transformation to socialism? How can we bring about Marx’s goal of “The self-emancipation of the working class”?
Join Seattle Revolutionary Socialists/Firebrand for a study group on “What Is the Real Marxist Tradition?” by British socialist John Molyneux. In his short but comprehensive overview of the basics of Marxism, John answers these questions. Answering these questions will also help guide us about how to organize today.
This study group will run from the end of November 2024 to just before X-mas. It will be followed in 2025 with a study group on “ The Meaning of Marxism” by Paul D’Amato which is available from Haymarket Books or directly from Seattle Revolutionary Socialists.
“What is the Real Marxist Tradition?” is available on line from Marxists.org or from Haymarket Books:
The first session of the study group will be a “meet and greet” on Sunday Nov.24 at 6PM. This will be followed by sessions on the following Sundays. All sessions will only be on zoom at bit.ly/srszoomlink.